Access Control

Whether you need to protect a single room or an entire network of facilities, we design, install and maintain access control systems that are intended to grow with you.

What Is Access Control?
Access control is fundamental to securing your business, organization, or facility. A physical access control system works to limit access to specific buildings, rooms, areas, or IT assets, allowing you complete control over who has access to what.

With the help of a state of the art electronic access control system, you can ensure that people, premises, and data are safe.

Why Do We Need Access Control?
Organizations of all sizes can benefit from the advantages offered by access control technology. Signal Technologies offers customized systems which are designed to meet your organization’s needs. Our systems protect your people, assets, and information.

By implementing an electronic access control system, you can streamline internal processes and eliminate the hassle of manually duplicating keys. An electronic system also allows you to monitor user activity and control access to specific rooms and buildings remotely, effectively managing the flow of people through your building or facility.

Unlike conventional key-based systems, electronic access control technology allows complete customization. For example, you can limit the access of individual staff to particular buildings based upon their working hours.

Signal Technologies’ Access Control Solutions
At Signal Technologies, we specialize in access control systems for the health care, education, and commercial business sectors.

Our healthcare access control and security systems are perfect for long-term care facilities, including independent living communities, assisted living facilities, continuing care retirement communities, and skilled nursing facilities. With our wandering resident protection, you can achieve effective wander control and keep your residents safe. Our systems are also excellent for hospitals, providing your organization with complete control over staff access to specific areas and rooms.

Security is essential for school environments, and Signal Technologies is committed to offering proven solutions that keep students safe. Magnetic door locks, wired and wireless electronic locksets, system monitoring, and other advanced technologies work together to improve school security at both the K-12 and college level.

Whether your business is large or small, securing your facility and data is important. Our commercial access control systems are designed to reduce your risk and improve efficiency, keeping your building and assets safe.

Choosing Your Access Control Provider
When selecting an access control technology provider, it’s important to choose a company you can count on.

Signal Technologies has over 25 years of experience in the access control sector. We offer best-in-class equipment from only the most trusted brands.

Our 24/7 customer support team is here for you anytime, day or night, and our service team has the knowledge and experience to handle any scenario.

We work to seamlessly integrate your new access control system while adhering to Federal, State, and local regulations. We also provide training for your staff, ensuring that every member of your organization is prepared to use your new state-of-the-art access control system.

See What Manufacturers We Can Service

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